Fostering A Community Starts With Your Staff

Today we are going to be tackling a small part of a topic that comes up frequently here at the Gym Owner’s Forum. The relationship between independent gyms, community building and the invaluable role staff members can have in forging those community bonds. 

And this isn’t just a topic affecting the fitness industry, communities (or the lack of) have become a massive talking point in recent years. We have all heard versions of the phrase ‘we are more connected than ever before, so why are so many so alone?’ 

It is one of the defining issues of our time, the erosion of the old ‘third spaces’ and the search for new ones, the atomisation of people, the loneliness epidemic.

We are highlighting these issues to demonstrate how important and transformative it can be for members, staff and the business to engage in community building. To call it a ‘service’ feels disingenuous. It is a function that independent gyms are in a vital and unique position to fulfil. One that can bring immense benefit not only to any gym, but one that can have a fantastic effect on the members and staff involved. 

So today we will be looking at the role staff can play in fostering and forging a community based around your gym or club. Using insights from our conversations across the fitness industry, we will be focusing on how, if done correctly and responsible, these measures can help deepen customer and staff loyalty while creating a safe and enjoyable third space for the members.

Consistency: Community Must Be Encouraged, Not Forced

While a community can form rapidly under the right circumstances or shared interests. It has to be an organic process. A business declaring ‘we are a community now’ straight away is rarely going to accomplish much. Authenticity is a key part of community and that can only form over time and in the right environment. An environment that feels supportive, organic and encourages growth and improvement while feeling open and safe. 

It is a not-insignificant task, and there are pitfalls. But the great news is that most people are eager and willing to forge and join communities. While it can’t be forced, in our experience, with the right approach it won’t take much encouragement for members to start building community bonds.

Creating a community will require effort from multiple different areas, not just the efforts of staff that will make up the bulk of this blog, but also of management and of the membership. After a certain point, if all has gone well, this effort will become self-sustaining and the community 

The Long and Short Term Benefits of Fostering a Strong Fitness Community within your Gym or Club

Defining Community:

When we talk about a community or fitness community centred around an independent gym or fitness club, we are not just talking about the pre-existing friendships, workout groups or classes that occur within the four walls of a fitness facility. Obviously these activities and many more can be sold building blocks in a fitness community, but they do not constitute one by themselves. 

As with anything social, the threshold of what constitutes a ‘community’ will be subjective, but the type of communities we believe independent gyms should be trying to foster are ones where the gym acts as a social nexus, as well as an area of support and expertise.

We will cover how staff can play a big role in cultivating and forging this environment after we have covered some of the powerful benefits it can bring to a gym if done correctly. 

Ultimately any successful fitness community centred around a gym or club will be a combined effort between management, the staff and the members themselves:  

The Benefits of a Strong Fitness Community for an Independent Gym and it’s membership:

1. Helping Members Motivate One Another and the Power of Positive Accountability

A core goal of any fitness community a gym or club is trying to create should be to motivate their members. A significant benefit from fostering a sense of community (as we will cover) is the potential it has to increase retention amongst your members. Members that find themselves surrounded by like-minded individuals who are committed to similar goals can provide a significant boost in motivation. Having a group of people to share in successes and lessen the sting of setbacks is vital for the morale of a member.

Members are likely to be much more resilient and motivated if they know that there will be others who understand and share their values and goals who will be working alongside them. The same can be said in terms of accountability, a close-knit fitness community provides a safe but profound sense of accountability. If a member knows that someone will notice their absence, or that their presence in-turn helps to support another member, they will be much more likely to visit your gym, even on those cold and lethargic days.

2. Unlock the Benefits of Mutual Support and Encouragement between Members:

Every member will have ups and downs, whether it is injuries, sickness, a busy schedule or pre-existing commitments. When someone is on their fitness journey by themselves, it can be hard to pick themselves back up again when they find momentum has been halted.

This is where having a supportive community by their side can make all the difference. It isn’t just about getting back to the workout, it is about getting back to the friends, staff and acquaintances who know about their journey and can acknowledge the hardships alongside the successes.

Exercise can be a perfect and powerful bonding experience, whether members are celebrating their personal achievements, sharing in hardships, helping each other rebuild that momentum or just the simple act of being happy to see one another back in your gym. It can make all the difference.

3. A Culture of Research, Knowledge Sharing and Joint-Learning: 

Here at the Gym Owner’s Forum we are always encouraging independent gyms and clubs on how to be a better source of expertise for their members. Many gym and club members don’t just want four walls to workout within, they want an institution that will help and guide them.

By fostering a fitness community and community spirit within your members and staff, this expertise will be able to flow much more easily. Members have often spent a lot of time both practising and researching their fitness craft. This means that everyone has a piece of the puzzle that another member might not have. By creating an engaged community, members can learn from one another and create a culture where insight and expertise is given freely and happily.

Whether it is different methods of training, diet and nutrition advice or general lifestyle and wellness practice, by utilising the shared purpose and interests of your members, they can help each other reach new levels of fitness understanding.

4. Increased Camaraderie and Social Connection: 

This is a benefit that will naturally form alongside and in parallel the other ones.

Human beings, your members included, thrive on social connection and a sense of belonging.

Cultivating a fitness community increases the chances of your members connecting, becoming friends and forging lasting relationships. We have all felt the difference between an environment where everyone puts their head down and gets on with their day and one where people feel empowered to talk, bond and support one another.

By helping your staff create that culture, your gym will hopefully become a place where the shared experiences, goals, and successes of your members can forge a bond that goes beyond the four walls of your facility. This means your members won’t feel like they are just paying for a place to work out, but to be part of a fitness community of like-minded individuals who understand and appreciate the challenges and triumphs that come with pursuing a healthy lifestyle. 

5. Fun and Enjoyment:

Again, let us think about our aforementioned space. One where everyone just puts their head down, completes their workout and goes home. Does that sound fun? It might to some, but to many it just compounds the loneliness we were talking about at the beginning of the article.

That is an experience you could get in any soulless corporate chain gym. 

The simple truth is that fitness, like many things, is more fun when it is done with other people. If your gym is able to create a unique, safe and social environment, one of the biggest benefits will be simply that more members will have a better time.

A strong fitness community offers a platform to engage in group activities, participate in challenges, and explore new fitness ventures together. It adds an element of fun and excitement to your fitness journey, making it something you look forward to rather than a chore. The camaraderie and shared experiences within the community create an uplifting and motivating environment that enhances the overall enjoyment of your fitness pursuits.

6. Resilience and Retention

As we’ve mentioned throughout this list, the main benefit to your business and its bottom line will be the benefit to retention and member resilience that a strong fitness community can bring.

For all the reasons above and more, members are more likely to be more successful, stay longer and value the service your gym is providing more if it is the hub for a strong fitness community. 

And that is to say nothing of the benefits that positive word of mouth can bring. 

Building a strong fitness community can truly transform your fitness journey. Now that we’ve explored the benefits of community fitness, we will finish up this blog by delving into how staff can start helping to foster that sense of community within any independent gym or fitness club space right away. 

How Independent Gym’s can train, empower and encourage staff to successfully start fostering a fitness community

Cultivate Strong Relationships for Lasting Loyalty

So how can gym owners and management best equip their staff with the tools and incentives necessary to start building a happy and healthy community?

To boost retention and keep members eager to come back, it is important to focus not only on excellent customer service, but empowering your staff to feel like they can spend that extra time, effort and resource with your members. 

Creating a friendly and supportive environment will take genuine goodwill from your staff, that can’t be manufactured and it can’t be ordered. If the members are going to feel happy and valued during this community making process, it is important the staff feel so as well.

Fostering a community spirit will take time, effort and mental capacity. It is important this contribution is recognised and dealt with correctly in order to ensure the community has the best chance to genuinely survive and thrive.

Obviously many gyms already have staff that are very community focused. People attracted to working in the fitness industry often tend to be dynamic, energetic and sociable. But not only should this not be taken for granted, these qualities should be rewarded and encouraged, not exploited.  

Train Your Team for Success

  • Encourage staff to greet members warmly.
  • Give them the time to engage in genuine conversations.
  • Make a list of what to ask about, name, fitness goals, social aims. 
  • Offer personalised support and motivation. 
  • Offer opportunities to interact with other members 
  • Encourage a culture of accountability and investment. 


With the best will in the world, a good team of sociable, driven people won’t be able to excel at fostering a fitness community if they aren’t given the tools, framework, support and empowerment to do so.

Cultivating a community is often an intangible process, it will require trust both ways between management and staff. It will also rely on staff being given enough time and confidence to be genuine and supportive with members. If staff are being asked to justify where they were at every minute of the day, they won’t feel able to stop and support members in a way that fosters community.

Prioritise Staff Well-being

  • Create a positive work environment. 
  • Ensure staff feel valued and heard. 
  • Acknowledge and support staff through the increased social exposure 
  • Offer opportunities for growth and development. 
  • Feedback sessions, understand who excels at what and what is not working. 
  • Consider team-building activities or social events. 

We have talked to a lot of independent gyms and fitness clubs, and one clear indicator for success is how much the gym is caring for their staff.

Community building is no different. The well-being shown to staff will be reflected in the treatment they give to the members. Community is all about creating a positive cycle and that begins with the relationship between management and their staff.  By investing in the team, a gym is investing in the success of their business.


Fostering a fitness community starts from within, and your staff are the key players in making it happen. Empowering them to connect with members, build genuine relationships, and create a supportive environment can transform your gym from just another place to work out into a vibrant, social hub. Invest in your team, nurture your community, and watch your business grow.



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